Our mission is to empower families to take ownership of their health, and enrich our community through intentional connection..
We believe your body is divine, intuitive, and self-healing. To us, being healthy means adapting your body to better handle stress. Our passion is seeing families reconnect with their bodies, and trust their God-given potential for health. We want to celebrate each milestone with your family and empower you to set goals for your health.
Dr. Marilyn grew up in Middle Tennessee. She attended Parker University in Dallas, TX to obtain her Doctorate of Chiropractic after discovering her passion for serving pregnant women, young kids, and families! She is a huge advocate for physiological birth, empowered pregnancies, and birth freedom. Dr. Marilyn feels called to serve her community out of abundant love & to empower all women to respect their divinely-created bodies. Being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at a young age, she is passionate about addressing childhood stress & trauma with chiropractic care. Offering holistic, non-pharmaceutical options for health is her life's pursuit.
Dr. Wyatt was raised in Central Texas and spent most of his childhood playing sports. Baseball led him into the field of chiropractic, but once he started his doctorate program at Parker University, he learned that chiropractic can benefit everyone, not just premier athletes! While in school, he focused heavily on neurology, specifically brain development of babies in utero and during the first years of life. He is passionate about providing care to kids who struggle with ADD & ADHD, and has pursued extensive training to address complex pediatric cases.
Dr. Wyatt has worked with professional athletes, including the Dallas Wings, Dallas Cowboys, and Crossfit Games participants. He is proud to have provided nervous-system focused chiropractic care to numerous families, pregnant moms, and infants while serving at one of the largest practice in central Texas.